--- Dennis Tester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's my dream scenario:  Randy Kelly loses the
> mayoral election, switches 
> to the republican party, then beats Bet'ee in the
> 4th congressional district 
> race in '06.  Woo hoo!  (I can dream can't I)

Bah Ha Ha!
Keep dreaming.

Norm switched true enough, but right after he endorsed
Wellstone and Clinton for re-election in 1996. His own
election was just a few months later so it didn't sink
in what that meant.

When he ran for Governor as a Republican(less than a
year after getting elected mayor and it sunk in this
guy is a GOPer), he couldn't carry his own city. 

When Norman ran for Senate, he LOST every single ward
in the city. Every one of them. 

Neither time did he come close to carrying the 4th
Congressional District. I couldn't tell you when the
last Republican came close to winning the Fourth CD.

If Mayor Kelly was to follow your advice(or dream),
he'll be looking for work at the end of 2006.  

DFL Pedigree?
It's not up to me to decide who is a DFLer or not,
that's something individuals do. You can call yourself
anything you want. As a DFL voter, I do look at how an
incumbant set their priorities and judge for myself is
that person is the best DFL candidate according MY
priorities in the DFL platform. There's no book on
purity or litmus tests. 

The other poster is way off with the abortion issue.
Their are plenty of DFLers in elected office who are
anti-Choice that run as endorsed candidates. I haven't
taken a count lately but I'd say around a quarter to a
third in the legislature and half of our Congressional
delgation are pro-life. 

On the other hand, the Republican party is the one
that kicks you out for not following party scripture
(ask Sheila Kiscaden, Martha Robertson, Gary Laidig
and soon Paul Koering). 

DFLers beleive that the local DFLers should choose
which DFL candidate best represents them and their

Republicans are clearly the ones with the litmus test
and strict marching orders. It's probably a main
reason the Mayor won't switch. He'll stay a DFLer. 

Eric Mitchell
Payne Phalen

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