The Chris Coleman campaign wrote this as part of their release about being endorsed by the UAW Local 879:

"As a City Council member, Chris Coleman was always an advocate for the working men and women of Saint Paul. He understands good-paying jobs are the foundation of strong and healthy families and communities. Chris has never wavered in his support for the working people of Saint Paul. As mayor, we can count on Chris to bring people together to support existing business and manufacturing in Saint Paul," said Rob McKenzie, UAW Local 879 president.

If my memory serves me correctly, Councilmember Chris Coleman was the first one to cave in to Dayton's (Marshall Fields) in not having to abide by the Council's "living wage" resolution when the Fortune 500 company got their subsidy from the city. That is real understanding about good-paying jobs and "never" wavering support for the working people of Saint Paul?

Michael Nelson

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