On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 9:43 AM, Brian Lawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Oct 12, 2008, at 7:54 AM, Mugsy Lunsford wrote:
> > At 5:29 PM -0500 10/10/08, richardsan san said:
> >> On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 5:19 PM, Michael Luscombe
> >
> >> Not everyone who talks to a communist or communist sympathizer
> >> becomes a communist. If that were the case, wouldn't John McCain
> >> want to run the country like Vietnam? Some sensible
> >> characterization of those meetings is in order. Plenty of
> >> Republicans worked with Bill Ayers as well.
> >>
> >>      mccain has at least a 5 year history of communicating with
> >> communists. didn't he give them more than just name,rank and serial
> >> number?
> >
> > I was on a work crew with a Nam vet this week, and got an earful
> > over lunch one afternoon when someone made a joking comment about
> > the election. Seems the vet was on the Forrestal when the missile
> > went off and killed 134 crewmen, and a lot of his fellow survivors
> > were convinced that McCain was responsible for that incident - I
> > didn't understand all of what he said since he became quite
> > passionate while reliving the scene, and began speaking in military
> > acronyms. Something about fooling around with afterburners and a
> > flareout touching off the missile. This vet closed his rant with an
> > assurance that he was also certain that McCain's plane was fragged
> > out of the sky by his peers who were tired of his risky behavior.
> > I'd been listening with shock probably showing on my face, and he
> > turned to me and said "Fragged! Do you know what that means, to be
> > fragged? It means your own side thinks you don't deserve to live!"
> > The rest of us simply listened, dumb-founded. That's the first I've
> > heard of any of that, but the guy was extremely serious and very
> > very angry, kept referring to McCain as "Songbird." Got up and
> > stormed off after he finished talking, and the rest of the crew
> > agreed to avoid talking about politics around him.  I keep meaning
> > to ask a pilot about this, since I don't understand how the missile
> > could have been set off like that in the first place.
> The A-4 aircraft that McCain was flying over Vietnam (and may others
> of that period) did not have self-starting engines. A small jet engine
> in a cart was used to get the turbines of the aircraft turning so the
> engine could be ignited. What happened on the Forrestal is that a
> starter cart was being used on an aircraft across the flight deck from
> McCain's aircraft. The exhaust from the starter cart was blowing on an
> air-to-air missile on another aircraft and the missile "cooked-off",
> its engine ignited from the heat of the starter cart. That missile
> flew across the deck and hit McCain's aircraft starting the fire and
> causing it to drop its bombs into the flames which in turn cooked off
> and exploded causing more fire and damage to other aircraft, etc.
> I am no fan of McCain but he was in no way responsible for what
> happened on the Forrestal.
> <http://www.forrestal.org/fidfacts/page13.htm>
> that linked story doesn't jive with the ^ above paragraph.
just sayin'

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