This past weekend I was working on a project where we needed true RESTful
support.  For those that don't know what that is, basically, I needed to be
able to somehow map the HTTP methods GET/POST/PUT/DELETE to methods in my
action bean.  So I made a couple of annotations so I could mark which action
bean methods respond to which http action methods.

Then I went into the stripes source and checked for these annotations and
put them in the right map so they could be pulled out on request.  GET and
POST worked like a champ.  The problem is that Stripes, currently, doesn't
respond at all the PUT and DELETE.  I get a 405.  So I went into a few
classes DispatchServlet, DynamicMappingFilter, etc, looking for things like
doPost, doGet, etc.  However, it seems that stripes primarily works off
service methods and not http action methods directly.

If I needed to add support in stripes for handling PUT and DELETE where is
the best place to do that?


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