Assuming you have Stripersist working correctly, the URL should be


And you should remove the "id" property from your ActionBean altogether. The
power of Stripersist is binding entities directly. You don't have to think
about IDs at all.


On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 11:56 AM, AK <> wrote:

> Ben Gunter <gunter...@...> writes:
> > That's a really bad idea, for several reasons. First and foremost, you
> open
> yourself up to an SQL injection attack whenever you take a value from a
> request
> parameter and embed it directly into a query string without at least
> sanitizing
> it first. (In this particular case, you're protected by the fact that the
> field
> is an int instead of a String. There may also be some additional protection
> by
> using JPA instead of JDBC, but it's still bad practice.) You really should
> be
> using named or positional parameters in your query, like so:
> > Stripersist.getEntityManager()    .createQuery("from Item where id
> = :id")    .setParameter("id", id)    .getSingleResult()
> Ben -- Thanks so much for this great feedback.  I was just looking through
> some
> old posts and saw your reply and have updated my code based on your
> suggestion.  Please see below...
> > Secondly, when looking up an entity by its ID using JPA, you should use
> EntityManager.find(..) to do so.
> > Stripersist.getEntityManager().find(Item.class, id)
> >
> > And finally, you don't have to do any of this at all because Stripersist
> will
> handle it for you if you set things up correctly. Declare your Item as a
> field
> of your ActionBean (with getter and setter), pass in a parameter with the
> same
> name as the Item property and the Item will magically appear, thanks to
> Stripersist's TypeConverter.
> > private Item item;public Item getItem() { return item; }public void
> setItem
> (Item item) { this.item = item; } <at> DefaultHandlerpublic Resolution
> view()
> {    // No need to do anything. The item is already there!}
> >
> > If you pass in a request parameter item=123 then the Item entity with ID
> 123
> will be there when your handler executes.-Ben
> This is super intriguing, but this part has me stumped!  This is what my
> action
> now looks like per your comments above:
> public class ItemDetailActionBean extends BaseActionBean {
>    private final static String VIEW = "/WEB-INF/jsp/item_detail.jsp";
>    ...
>    private Item item;
>    private int id;   // this is passed in from the JSP
>    @DefaultHandler
>    public Resolution view() {
>        logger.debug("*** in view()");
>        logger.debug("*** id: " + id);
>        // commented this out per your suggestion
>        /*
>        item = (Item)Stripersist.getEntityManager()
>                .createQuery("FROM Item WHERE id = :id")
>                .setParameter("id", id)
>                .getSingleResult();
>        */
>        return new ForwardResolution(VIEW);
>    }
>    ...
>    public Item getItem() {
>        return item;
>    }
>    public void setItem(Item item) {
>        this.item = item;
>    }
>    public int getId() {
>        return id;
>    }
>    public void setId(int id) {
> = id;
>    }
> }
> However, when I try to pull out any of the item details within the JSP, I
> get
> nothing!  Here's my JSP:
>    ...
>    <c:if test="${not empty actionBean.item}">
>        date: <fmt:formatDate type="date" dateStyle="full"
> value="${actionBean.item.dateFound}"/><br/>
>        name: ${}<br/>
>        description: ${actionBean.item.desc}<br/>
>    </c:if>
> The URL that gets called to kick of this action beam (w/ the param) looks
> like
> this:
>    http://localhost:8080/app/ItemDetail.action?id=10
> What am I doing wrong that I can keep my view empty, and not tell it
> how/where
> to go to the DB to get the ID I'm looking for, and still get back what I
> need?
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