Actually I feel that the basic Stripes mechanisms for annotating validation
information to be completely inadequate for an application of any serious
complexity. Inevitably, persisted objects will be manipulated by many
actions, and the consequent need to repeat the validation rules over and
over again introduces grave maintenance problems.

Thankfully, Stripes is easy to extend, so I (and, I have no doubt, many
others) extended the validation mechanism as almost the very first thing I
did with the framework. Specifically what I did was replace the default
ValidationMetadataProvider so that it follows properties and "imports"
metadata from their classes. That way, my low-level JPA-annotated data
objects can include some amount of validation metadata, such as field
lengths and converter settings. The business logic is then (usually) where
"required" annotations go. All that wraps up to the action bean layer, and
since metadata is cached at the action bean level it all works out - two
different action beans referencing the same business logic bean each have
their own "mix-in" of metadata, and I don't have to repeat validation rules
(at least, not very often).

It's still not perfect: EL validation isn't really possible because the only
thing Stripes can bind into the EL context is the action bean reference, so
EL validation rules from a lower layer can't really work because they can't
find themselves, so to speak. However I've found that it's pretty rare that
I need anything that fancy anyway; validation is generally either really
simple stuff, or else it's full-blown code that requires a lot of context.

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 6:40 AM, Richard Hauswald <> wrote:

> Hi,
> what about creating a Pojo holding all the form variables und referencing
> it in the actionBean and doing validation using @ValidateNestedProperties?
> Regards,
> Richard
> On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 12:52 PM, andres <> wrote:
>> What is the best way to separate variabls in a larger form the action? In
>> Struts 1 you have a separate action (for the logic) and form (to use for
>> fields). In Stripes have all this in action. Hope I explained well.
>> I thought to create a class NameModel with a variabls for a form and
>> extend it of BaseActionBean and then extend my NombreActionBean class of
>> NameModel  to separate variables (form fields) from ActionBean and can
>> access to them. And use only for the logic NombreActionBean.
>> Do you know the better way to do it? After picking up the form fields
>> NameModel would have to pass them to DAO object to store in DB.
>> Thank you.
>> Greetings.
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