Could you explain more detail how it work, and how to implement?

Thank you very much.

--- El vie, 10/9/10, Oscar Westra van Holthe - Kind <> 

De: Oscar Westra van Holthe - Kind <>
Asunto: Re: [Stripes-users] The best way to separate variabls in a larger form 
from the action.
Para: "Stripes Users List" <>
Fecha: viernes, 10 de septiembre, 2010 13:44

On 10-09-2010 at 10:52, andres wrote:
> What is the best way to separate variabls in a larger form the action? In
> Struts 1 you have a separate action (for the logic) and form (to use for
> fields). In Stripes have all this in action. Hope I explained well.
> I thought to create a class NameModel with a variabls for a form and extend
> it of BaseActionBean and then extend my NombreActionBean class of
> NameModel  to separate variables (form fields) from ActionBean and can
> access to them. And use only for the logic NombreActionBean.
> Do you know the better way to do it? After picking up the form fields
> NameModel would have to pass them to DAO object to store in DB.

Personally, I let Stripes bind directly into my domain model. By using the
Stripersist extension and the @StrictBinding annotation.

This way, I have several advantages:
1. The action bean doesn't become cluttered with properties.
2. I do not have to maintain an extra class (which can outdated).
3. I do not have to manually load the object being changed (Stripersist
   handles this).
4. Anything I don't specify/validate remains untouched (even if specified in
   the request parameters), thanks to @StrictBinding 


   ,-_  Oscar Westra van Holthe - Kind
  /() )
 (__ (  I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your
=/  ()  right to say it.  -- Voltaire

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