Hi Reuven,


In the action bean I added the Set<Roles> to List


private List<Roles>rolesavilable=new ArrayList<Roles>();



      public List<Roles> getRolesavilable() {

            return rolesavilable;



      public void setRolesavilable(List<Roles> rolesavilable) {

            this.rolesavilable = rolesavilable;



      public Resolution view() {

ArrayList<Roles>(roleservice.findAll());//adding set to list

            return new ForwardResolution("pages/Register.jsp");




In jsp I have 




                              <th><stripes:label for="rolesavilable"

                              <td><stripes:select name="rolesavilable"
multiple="true" >




                                                label="ROLES" />

                                    </stripes:select> </td>



But in the save method of same action bean  I get null for "rolesavilable"



      public Resolution save() {

            System.out.println("checking roles"+rolesavilable);//[] its null


            System.out.println("registered sussefuly");

            return new ForwardResolution("/index.jsp");



Am I going wrong in the stripes:select tag I hope.






From: Reuven Gaisin [mailto:gais...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 2:34 AM
To: Stripes Users List
Subject: Re: [Stripes-users] stripes Question


Try changing the roles member variable in the Person class to a List


private List<Roles> roles;

public void setRoles(List<Roles> roles )
   this.roles = roles

public List<Roles> getRoles()
  return this.roles;


Let me know if that works.


On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 5:38 AM, Vyman H <vyman.huig...@marlabs.com> wrote:

Can u tell me about stripes select collection


How the value is assigned to 



Set<Roles> roles;

...with setter getter




Person person;

. with setter getter;




Set<Roles>availableroles=rolesservice.findall()//I get the roles here

forwardResolution (JSP Page)






Jsp page I have 




                              <th><stripes:label for="person.roles" />:</th>

                              <td><stripes:select name="person.roles"  >



availableroles }" value="role_id"

                                                label="ROLES" />

                                    </stripes:select> </td>




="${actionBean. availableroles }" I am getting Set<Roles>


But after the form is submitted and person is instantiated all the other
properties are getting set  but except Person.roles.. it is null


With thanks


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