Yes, braces etc end up in the "action" attribute of the form tag. It happens randomly, but it seems the most often it happens the first time I visit the page -- subsequent accesses tend to work ok.

W dniu 10.03.2014 11:01, VANKEISBELCK Remi pisze:
Hi Grzegorz,

Sorry for the delay.

Do you mean the braces etc end up in the "action" attribute of the form tag ?
Does this happen "randomly" in a running application ?



2014-03-09 21:23 GMT+01:00 Grzegorz Krugły < <>>:

    I hate bumping, but I'm really stuck with this one. Nothing
    obvious even
    though I've debugged a lot.
    Perhaps someone has an insight for the inner workings of
    UrlBindings and
    has an idea what might cause those {$event} and {params} to leak
    to the
    final HTML...

    W dniu 02.03.2014 12:30, Grzegorz Krugły pisze:
    > I have a strange problem.
    > I have an action with URL binding like this:
    > @UrlBinding("/admin/userGroups/{$event}/{userGroup}")
    > public class AdminUserGroupAction extends AbstractDashboardAction {
    > and I have a JSP form like this:
    > <s:form beanclass="pl.msi.el.action.AdminUserGroupAction"
    > class="form-horizontal">
    > In other words - it's as simple as it can be. Most of the time
    it works
    > fine.
    > But once in a while strange thing happens -- in the HTML that
    goes to
    > the browser, form's action is not /admin/userGroups, but...
    > /admin/userGroups/{$event}/{userGroup}
    > URL binding tokens get passed to HTML!
    > Has any of You encountered such problem? What could I do? Trying to
    > debug Stripes code, but am not that fluent in it.
    > Best regards,
    > Grzegorz

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