The call stack is

FormTag.doEndTag: 241
FormTag.buildAction: 511
UrlBuilder.toString: 304 406
UrlBuilder.getBaseUrl: 454

No idea where to go from here.

W dniu 10.03.2014 14:16, Grzegorz Krugły pisze:
I've tried debugging UrlBuilder now and have the direct cause of my problems caught.

In UrlBuilder:472 there's a line

        if (baseUrl.equals(binding.toString())) {

In my code baseUrl is /organization/{$event}/{schoolId}/{param1}
and binding.toString() is /organization/{$event=index}/{schoolId}/{param1}

Note the extra =index after {$event

It causes the line 473 (baseUrl = binding.getPath();) to be skipped and after check at line 477 (if (binding.getPath().length() < baseUrl.length()) {) the baseUrl with { and }s is returned.

But if I hit "refresh" in the browser, the next time I debug the same code for the same page, baseUrl also has that $event=index part and everything works ok.

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