The value on the field is probably being overridden by the value on the
bean. Try it as a plain input tag like in your comment.
On Oct 1, 2014 3:08 AM, "Rusty Wright" <> wrote:

> I'm sure this has been asked before, but why isn't my "paging through the
> results" code working using a stripes:hidden field?  In my action bean I
> have a setter for newOffset and a getter for offset.  In the jsp I add 20
> to offset and set newOffset to that.  My jsp has this:
> ${actionBean.offset}
>     <stripes:form
> beanclass="com.objecteffects.template.web.action.PostsActionBean">
> <%--
>         <input
>             name="newOffset"
>             value="${actionBean.offset + 20}"
>             type="hidden"
>         />
> --%>
>         <stripes:hidden
>             name="newOffset"
>             value="${actionBean.offset + 20}"
>         />
> In my action bean its handler forwards to this jsp and has the setter and
> getter:
>         return new ForwardResolution(PostsActionBean.VIEW);
>     }
>     public void setNewOffset(final long newOffset) {
>         this.offset = newOffset;
>     }
>     public long getOffset() {
>         return this.offset;
>     }
> There's no getter for newOffset and no setter for offset.
> The first time on the page offset is 0 as it should be and when I submit
> the form the action bean gets 20 for newOffset and then the jsp gets 20,
> but then it stays at 20 each time I submit the page.
> If I use the plain regular input (commented out in the above) then it
> works fine.
> Here are the full files:
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