Correct me if I'm wrong, but that will only work together with the
BeanFirstPopulationStrategy, right? With the default population
strategy, the old value from the request will be reused within the JSP,
so the incrementation won't have any effect.

Am 01.10.2014 21:58, schrieb Rick Grashel:
> Rusty,
> I'd do this differently if I were you.  You really should have a
> single "startingOffset".  Then, have the nextPage() and previousPage()
> event methods increment or decrement the startingOffset variable by
> 20.  Something like this:
> public void nextPage()
> {
>     this.startingOffset += 20;
> }
> public void previousPage()
> {
>     this.startingOffset -= 20;
>     if ( this.startingOffset < 0 ) this.startingOffset = 0;
> }
> That should work perfectly fine.  Then, you can have a single hidden
> input which looks like this:
> <stripes:input name="startingOffset"/>
> -- Rick
> On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 2:47 PM, Rusty Wright <
> <>> wrote:
>     Yes, thanks, I can definitely get it to work with a plain input
>     tag.  I was just very frustrated that the stripes hidden input tag
>     wouldn't work.  It seems that the stripes hidden input tag is
>     getting the value from the previous form submit?
>     I've got it now where offset goes from 0 to 20 to 40 then gets
>     stuck at 40.
>     In my jsp I have
>     <p>
>     ${actionBean.offset}
>     </p>
>         <stripes:form
>     beanclass="com.objecteffects.template.web.action.PostsActionBean">
>             <stripes:hidden
>                 name="newOffset"
>                 value="${actionBean.offset}"
>             />
>     When it gets to 40 then I do a view source on the web page and it
>     shows this:
>     <p>
>     40
>     </p>
>         <form action="/template/Posts.action" method="post">
>             <input name="newOffset" value="20" type="hidden" />
>     I changed my action bean so that it bumps offset by 20 in its
>     handler, rather than doing it in the jsp, hoping that that might
>     fix it, but no joy.
>     The documentation for the stripes hidden tag says:
>     Generates one or more <input type="hidden" ... /> HTML tags based
>     on the value supplied. The hidden tag assigns the value attribute
>     by scanning in the following order:
>         * for one or more values with the same name in the
>     HttpServletRequest
>         * for a field on the ActionBean with the same name (if a bean
>     instance is present)
>         * by collapsing the body content to a String, if a body is present
>         * referring to the result of the EL expression contained in
>     the value attribute of the tag.
>     I'm guessing that it's the first bullet that's causing my problem,
>     but I don't understand what's going on.  And I have to say that I
>     don't understand why the last bullet is given the lowest precedence.
>     On Wed, Oct 1, 2014 at 6:48 AM, Mike McNally <
>     <>> wrote:
>         The value on the field is probably being overridden by the
>         value on the bean. Try it as a plain input tag like in your
>         comment.
>         On Oct 1, 2014 3:08 AM, "Rusty Wright" <
>         <>> wrote:
>             I'm sure this has been asked before, but why isn't my
>             "paging through the results" code working using a
>             stripes:hidden field?  In my action bean I have a setter
>             for newOffset and a getter for offset.  In the jsp I add
>             20 to offset and set newOffset to that.  My jsp has this:
>             ${actionBean.offset}
>                 <stripes:form
>             beanclass="com.objecteffects.template.web.action.PostsActionBean">
>             <%--
>                     <input
>                         name="newOffset"
>                         value="${actionBean.offset + 20}"
>                         type="hidden"
>                     />
>             --%>
>                     <stripes:hidden
>                         name="newOffset"
>                         value="${actionBean.offset + 20}"
>                     />
>             In my action bean its handler forwards to this jsp and has
>             the setter and getter:
>                     return new ForwardResolution(PostsActionBean.VIEW);
>                 }
>                 public void setNewOffset(final long newOffset) {
>                     this.offset = newOffset;
>                 }
>                 public long getOffset() {
>                     return this.offset;
>                 }
>             There's no getter for newOffset and no setter for offset.
>             The first time on the page offset is 0 as it should be and
>             when I submit the form the action bean gets 20 for
>             newOffset and then the jsp gets 20, but then it stays at
>             20 each time I submit the page.
>             If I use the plain regular input (commented out in the
>             above) then it works fine.
>             Here are the full files:
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