On Oct 4, 2014 1:11 AM, "Joaquin Valdez" <joaquinfval...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Rick!  This is sure puzzling.
> When I first encountered this problem, I was not saving the file data in
> the database at all.  Rather, just the stats of the file (filename, size)
> in the Attachment table.  The file was stored on disk, then read and
> streamed back when requested by the AB.  This worked just fine for text
> files but not PDF’s or Excel files.
> Hmm….thanks for the direction.  I will keep digging.
> -Joaquin
> On Oct 3, 2014, at 12:28 PM, Rick Grashel <rgras...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Joaquin,
> I honestly think what is being temporarily persisted on disk (from the
> FileBean) is NOT exactly matching what is being put into the DB.
> A couple of things here.  First, converting file blobs for DB storage can
> be very sensitive.  I had all sorts of issues going from FileBeans on the
> file system to byte arrays where there would be mysterious paddings of null
> (char(0)) that would be missing.  Almost like it was a native filesystem
> block/page issue or a filesystem metadata issue.  Some of the file formats
> are very sensitive to even padded nulls at the end or beginning of their
> file.
> Another problem I've had before is the JDBC driver itself not persisting
> the BLOBs properly if my DAO code was using setBlob() rather than
> setBinaryStream().  I'm not sure what Stripersist uses behind the scenes,
> but that is also something to check.  But for safety, setBinaryStream()
> should be used.  I've never had a problem with it.  Even if you end up
> using Stripersist to store the attachment (without the blob) and then do a
> manual JDBC call for the binary stream... you should do that.
> The other possibility (if these are very large files) is to first insert
> the attachment metadata/object using Stripersist/JPA (without the blob) and
> then create a native OS Executor to execute your DB command-line utility to
> import the file into the Blob column.  For MySQL, that would look something
> like "update attachment set data = LOAD_FILE( '/path/to/file');'
> So those are some ideas to try out.  Good luck.
> -- Rick
> On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 10:41 AM, Joaquin Valdez <joaquinfval...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Thanks Rick!
>> To read using BaseDaoImpl:
>>   @Override
>>     public T read(ID id) {
>>         return Stripersist.getEntityManager().find(getEntityClass(), id);
>>     }
>> To store the attachment:
>>   private void addAttachment(FileBean fileBean) throws IOException {
>>         Attachment attachment = new Attachment();
>>         attachment.setFileName(fileBean.getFileName());
>>         attachment.setContentType(fileBean.getContentType());
>>         attachment.setFilesize(fileBean.getSize());
>>         byte[] data = new byte[(int) fileBean.getSize()];
>>         InputStream in = fileBean.getInputStream();
>>         in.read(data);
>>         attachment.setData(data);
>>         attachment.setIns(getIns());
>>         attachmentDao.save(attachment);
>>         attachmentDao.commit();
>>         attachment = attachmentDao.read(attachment.getId());
>>         fileBean.save(new File(attachmentDao.getFilePath(attachment)));
>>         getIns().getAttachments().add(attachment);
>>     }
>> Thank you,
>> Joaquin
>> On Oct 3, 2014, at 6:31 AM, Rick Grashel <rgras...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> What does the code look like in AttachmentDAO.read( id )?  Also, what
>> does the code look like that stores the attachment when it is uploaded?
>> -- Rick
>> On Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 8:16 AM, Joaquin Valdez <joaquinfval...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> I seem to have trouble with the results of downloading an Excel
>>> spreadsheet (XLS or XSLX) file using the following code:
>>>  public Resolution getAttachment() {
>>>         Attachment attachment = attachmentDao.read(getAttachId());
>>>         if (attachment.getIns().getId().equals(getIns().getId())) {
>>>                 return new StreamingResolution
>>>                 (attachment.getContentType(), new
>>> ByteArrayInputStream(attachment.getData()))
>>>                     .setFilename(attachment.getFileName());
>>>         }
>>> }
>>> The upload appears to happen just fine as I am able to open up the
>>> uploaded file and it renders like it should.  The downloaded file appears
>>> garbled.  Attached is an image of the mess in Apple Numbers and it looks
>>> Similar in Libre Office.
>>> Any help or ideas would be appreciated!
>>> Thanks,
>>> Joaquin
>>> <Screen Shot 2014-10-03 at 6.14.30 AM.png>
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