> 1) Created a "DynamicProperties" interface which has the
> following methods:
>      public String getValue(String property);
>      public String getValue(int index, String property);
>      public void   setValue(String property, String value);
>      public void   setValue(int index, String property, String value);

Almost the samething i have now.  I only have some more (and i don't have at
this time the index because
i don't believe that is nessesary, because BeanUtils / PropertyUtils are
taking care of that!

This is My interface that i use for quite sometime know.

public interface Property
public java.util.Map getBeanProperties();               // Is needed for the new 
method in PropertyUtils!!
public Object getBeanProperty(String sPropertyName);
public Class[] getParameterTypes(String sName); // You should be able to get
the types of the property.
public void setBeanProperty(String sPropertyName, Object oPropertyValue);

> 2) Sub-classed "ActionServlet" and changed the "processPopulate" method to
> populate the ActionForm using the above setters if its an instance of
> "DynamicProperties" or using its normal reflection if not.

ActionServlet doesn't have to change at all!!
Everychange must only be done in the PropertyUtils and BeanUtils.
What does ActionServlet to do with beans? Nothing. Struts only uses the Bean
And property utils
for filling the beans. At this time only with reflection but i changed Bean
And PropertyUtils
so that it looks for the above Interface Property and then calls the get or
set of that Property Interface.

Here some code i changed in the PropertyUtils class:

public static void setSimpleProperty(Object bean, String name, Object value)
        // If it is of Property
        if (bean instanceof Property)
                // Use that one instead of Reflection (you create youre own reflection
                ((Property) bean).setBeanProperty(name, value);
                // Retrieve the property setter method for the specified property
                PropertyDescriptor descriptor = getPropertyDescriptor(bean, name);
                if (descriptor == null)
                        throw new NoSuchMethodException("Unknown property '" + name + 
                Method writeMethod = getWriteMethod(descriptor);
                if (writeMethod == null)
                        throw new NoSuchMethodException("Property '" + name + "' has 
no setter

                // Call the property setter method
                Object values[] = new Object[1];
                values[0] = value;
                writeMethod.invoke(bean, values);

> 3) Modified Struts tags to retrieve bean values using the above getters if
> its an instance of "DynamicProperties" or using its normal reflection if
> not.

No tag doesn't have to be changed in my way. Because all is done throught
the Property and BeanUtils classes!!!

> 4) Created a sub-class of ActionForm (DynamicActionForm) which implements
> our "DynamicProperties" interface.

No this can be done by the programmers themself just do this:

public class DynamicForm extends ActionForm implements

And then they must implement the four methods.
Ofcourse Struts could create a default DynamicForm that uses a Hashmap for
storing its properties
only the getParameterTypes would be a bit difficut then! (i will think this

> Now we only have one DynamicActionForm and don't have to go round
> setting up
> loads of different "ActionForm" classes. The DynamicActionForm is a bit
> simplistic and wouldn't suit everyones needs, but the advantage of this is
> people could create their own concrete implementations.

If they just uses my interface then it is very easy to do this.

> It would be interesting to hear others opinions on how dynamic properties
> should be implemented.

given :-)

> Niall

Johan Compagner

P.S.  I am willing to give my implementation of the Property interface and
the changes to
        BeanUtils/PropertyUtils email me if you want.

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