thanks Craig-

I may be appealing to the wrong crowd (as I expect this stuff is all
part of the Servlet spec), but this somehow seems to be less modular
than I would like. It seems that the spirit or .war files is to be an
extension of the .jar file concept, generalized to entire j2ee
applications. When I obtain a .jar file for classes I would like to
use -- all I need to do is place that .jar file in my CLASSPATH and I
can use the classes. The analogy does not seem to fully carry over
into .war files. Would it not be better if I was able to package my
entrire application and supporting resources (html, xml, tld,
etc.. files) and have the servlet or j2ee system know how to access
all of those resources in a generic way, similar to the approach with
.jar files and classes? It seems that the current approach only goes
half way -- I can introduce a .war file and have the servlet container
interpret its structure in some ways (making a context, recognizing
the docroot, etc), but not in other ways (allowing my jsp files to
import or declare taglibs contained in the .war file, or recognize classes)

Is there some design reason for this that I do not understand? It
seems things could be architected such that the steps you outline
below are not needed.


Craig R. McClanahan writes:
 > Copying the WAR files is how you would install the example applications
 > that come with Struts.  For your own apps, you basically need to:
 > - Add "struts.jar" to the WEB-INF/lib directory of your webapp
 > - Copy the Struts TLD files into the WEB-INF directory of your
 >   webapp (although some prefer WEB-INF/tlds instead)
 > - Make the URIs you use in web.xml and/or your pages point at wherever
 >   you actually installed these TLDs.
 > Craig

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