Apologies for the delay in responding - I was away all last week with no 
access to my mail!

The best thing you can do is to subscribe to the struts-dev list and get 
involved in the Workflow threads there which is where all the current 
discussion is going on about the Workflow piece. Not that contacting me in 
the first instance was wrong!

We are still in the concepts stage, although a lot has happened in the last 
week which I haven't caught up on yet, so we may be moving along a little 
quicker by now - I have a lot of mails to read!

Look forward to seeing you and your team get involved. I have copied this to 
the dev list so that they see your interest too.

Kind regards,


On Monday 13 August 2001  8:38 pm, you wrote:
> Hi,
> I am heading a development effort that will be using STUTS on a large
> intranet applications.  We are looking at some type of workflow solution
> for our application and I noticed you are working on something for 1.1 of
> struts.
> Excuse me if an email is not the proper forum for this but I am new to
> using Apache software.
> Anyway,  I have several developers and some time in our project plan to
> work on a workflow solution so I am wondering what is the best way to help
> you out on this?
> Edward Carmody
> Technical Architect
> Liberty Mutual Ins.

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