I would actually recommend writing more struts-extensions for Dreamweaver
UltraDev.  It's a great HTML/JSP editor, has a 78% marketshare (Dreamweaver
does) and is easily extendible.

I've been to Macromedia Dreamweaver seminars before, and they make creating
"webforms" in jsps/asps look VERY easy.


--- James Holmes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Craig--
> I've been working on a "Struts Console" which is a
> GUI-based front-end for Struts.  Right now the
> functionality is limited to editing the
> struts-config.xml, but I have aspirations of much
> more.
> For instance I plan to have:
> + ability to build new form beans from JSPs (utilize
> CodeMaker or the like)
> + ability to manage Application Resources files
> + etc, etc
> Certainly this could evolve into a full featured
> application that would make developing Struts
> applications very easy.
> -james
> --- Craig Tataryn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all, I just wanted to give an observation and
> > perhaps propose another "ToDo".  I recently attended
> > a ".NET roadshow" seminar in Minneapolis (btw: not
> > worth the money, just buy a book and read it, all
> > the instructors did was read the slides to us).
> > 
> > Anyway, the thing I got the most out of was when
> > they were displaying the features of Visual Studio
> > 7.0.  Specifically when creating "Web Forms".  You
> > basically create a form like you normally would for
> > a windows application, except that the controls you
> > select from are html controls.  You then go about
> > coding your events like you would a normal form.
> > 
> > The IDE would then compile your application and
> > create an ASPX page that displayed your form and a
> > class file that would be used to handle events on
> > the form (on the server side).  So the compilier
> > actually generates javascript code which will make
> > calls out to the server when things like the
> > "lostFocus" even happens on a text box, or the
> > "Click" event happened on a button.
> > 
> > Now people were really impressed with the fact that
> > you could just code this program like you would a
> > normal "VB" form, putting statements in event
> > hanlders like "Text1.text = Text2.text" and have the
> > view (the ASPX rendered HTML) display the changes. 
> > Now struts already does this type of binding for us
> > (i.e myForm.text1 = myForm.text2), all we are
> > missing is the nice GUI that allows us to "forget"
> > we are writing a web application.
> > 
> > I know JBuilder has extenisbility objects to allow
> > you to hook into the IDE, does anyone here have
> > exprience coding the JBuilder object model?  
> > 
> > I think this would make a good TODO because it
> > allows "average" users the ability to create struts
> > web apps without having to know too much about
> > servlets, thus bringing struts to a wider audience.
> > 
> > Let me know what you think.
> > 
> > <tataryn:craig/>
> > 
> > 
> > 
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