Something to keep your eye on in this vein is JavaServer Faces:

It's still in a very early stage of development, but there was a brief demo
at JavaOne a few months ago, and it looked pretty cool.

Martin Cooper

----- Original Message -----
From: "Craig Tataryn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 10:21 AM
Subject: .NET and Struts...

Hi all, I just wanted to give an observation and perhaps propose another
"ToDo".  I recently attended a ".NET roadshow" seminar in Minneapolis
(btw: not worth the money, just buy a book and read it, all the
instructors did was read the slides to us).

Anyway, the thing I got the most out of was when they were displaying
the features of Visual Studio 7.0.  Specifically when creating "Web
Forms".  You basically create a form like you normally would for a
windows application, except that the controls you select from are html
controls.  You then go about coding your events like you would a normal

The IDE would then compile your application and create an ASPX page that
displayed your form and a class file that would be used to handle events
on the form (on the server side).  So the compilier actually generates
javascript code which will make calls out to the server when things like
the "lostFocus" even happens on a text box, or the "Click" event
happened on a button.

Now people were really impressed with the fact that you could just code
this program like you would a normal "VB" form, putting statements in
event hanlders like "Text1.text = Text2.text" and have the view (the
ASPX rendered HTML) display the changes.  Now struts already does this
type of binding for us (i.e myForm.text1 = myForm.text2), all we are
missing is the nice GUI that allows us to "forget" we are writing a web

I know JBuilder has extenisbility objects to allow you to hook into the
IDE, does anyone here have exprience coding the JBuilder object model?

I think this would make a good TODO because it allows "average" users
the ability to create struts web apps without having to know too much
about servlets, thus bringing struts to a wider audience.

Let me know what you think.


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