I like this idea. Then I don't have to check Bugzilla for new bugs any more.

Will this change affect the initial assignment of new bugs? Currently, they
are automatically assigned to the component owner. I feel a little
uncomfortable, sometimes, swiping bugs from other people's lists, so I'd
like to see them initially unassigned, if that's possible, and other people

Martin Cooper

----- Original Message -----
From: "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 5:50 PM
Subject: Bugzilla Bug Reports

> Hi Folks,
> Finally getting to breathe for a few minutes, I'm going to start whacking
> off a few of the outstanding Bugzilla bug reports against Struts
> (particularly 1.0-final related issues).  While doing this, I'd like to
> suggest that we do what several other Jakarta projects are doing, and have
> new bug reports initially directed to the STRUTS-DEV mailing list.  That
> way, they become more visible to all the developers.  Then, a particular
> developer who wants to take ownership of a particular bug report can
> assign it to themselves.
> This seems to work pretty effectively on Tomcat -- I'd like to try it here
> as well.
> Craig

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