
If someone wants to code their *beans* this way, they should code/generate a BeanInfo to go with it, IMHO.

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
Work:      http://www.multitask.com.au
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----- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 11/10/2001 02:44 PM -----Re: new feature


Looking to call a method besides get*() runs contrary to the JavaBean
specification. Struts should stick to the book.

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel +1 716 737-3463
-- http://www.husted.com/about/struts/

c tang wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'd like a new feature being added to Nested
> References of bean tag.  Currently it can read from
> property with getter method.  It would be nice if it
> can read from a pure method too.
> For example,
> currently
> property="foo.bar"
> is translated into the equivalent the Java expression:
>     getFoo().getBar()
> I propose that if getBar() is not available,
> property="foo.bar"
> is translated into the equivalent the Java expression:
>     getFoo().bar()
> This is a feature in webobject, which allows access to
> an object without have to define an attribute.
> ct

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