Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

> On Wed, 12 Dec 2001, Morten M. Christensen wrote:

>>Our situation is that we now need to output well-formed HTML (we will
>>probably use XHTML), in order to do easy post processing in XSL/Java for
>>various nice things like automated GUI testing (all extremely important
>>and requires well-formed HTML / XHTML).
> All of the Struts tags in 1.0 generate well-formed HTML tags, in
> accordance with the W3C HTML Specification.

Unless you stick to a surprisingly forgiving definition of well-formed, 
this is not correct! I would recommend not to change or relax 
the definition of "well-formed" in order to cover up a problem (I even 
saw somebody on the net call this thing a design-flaw of struts).

> For XHTML, some recent work has been done in the HEAD branch (and
> therefore available through the nightly builds) to give you the option to
> create well-formed XHTML instead.  Simply do the following:
>     <html:html xhtml="true">
>       ...
>     </html:html>
> and the rendered tags will all be compatible with XML syntax, as XHTML
> requires.

Sounds good (but I have only tried the official release so far and I am 
a little worried about using a nightly build - should I be ?).

And sorry for asking, but I am not totally familiar with your 
process/plans.... What does this mean exactly regarding:

1) Official struts support for XHTML ?
2) Degree of support for XHTML - identical in scope/quality/performance 
as old html?

Does it mean that the users can safely use xhtml because it will be a 
natural part of struts v1.01 and will remain so in future released 
versions as well ?

Thanks for you answer!

Morten Christensen

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