Have we ever talked about a standard subclass for ActionForward that
would automatically expand a path based on the user's locale. I'm pretty
sure this has come up on the user list, where people were changing the
forward dynamically in the Action. But maybe we should have a standard
ActionForward subclass so that you could do like 

<forward name="whatever" path="\pages\{*}\whatever.jsp" locale="true"/>

and have it expand to 

\pages\es\whatever.jsp or 

at runtime. 

Or is that too application specific?

The message resources are great for cobbling together messages, but I
doubt that it would be a good solution for larger sites.

But then, what do I know about i18n projects ;-)

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel +1 716 737-3463
-- http://www.husted.com/struts/

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