I am really glad to see this this topic, and would
like to share some of my thoughts, which I made
modification to struts to make the site work for both
Chinese and English.
1. Input is also treat as one form of forwards, so it
can be defined as attribute of action, or  forward of
the action.
2. in struts-config.xml, forwards can be defined as
<action path="..." input="input.jsp" >
<forward name="success" path="success.jsp"/>
<forward name="success_zh_CN"
path="success_zh_CN.jsp"/> or <forward
name="success_zh_CN" path="zh/success.jsp"/> 
<forward name="input_zh_CN" path="input_zh_CN.jsp"/>
or <forward name="input_zh_CN" path="zh/input.jsp"/>
3. add methods in ActionMapping: 
findForward(name, request), it will use locale in
request to find name+"_"+locale first, if not found,
will return findForward(name);
getInput(request), where it will first call
findForward("input",request), if nothing found, will
return getInput();
4. Modify ActionServlet to call getInput(request)
instead of getInput()

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