Imbedded Context response...

>Auch Arron,
>Are you sure all those "instanceof" checks are a good idea? Adding
>another nested tag would require you to adapt the NestedPropertyHelper,
>which isn't clean design IMHO.
Quite sure. The "instanceof"s look for standard nesting functionality 
which the nested tags implement (they're actually empty interfaces. 
Basically used for identification only, so I wouldn't have to have huge 
lists of "instanceof"s or otherwise).

1) Nested property helper looks up the tree to find a parent tag to get 
the nested property from (NestedParentSupport)
2) If the tag supplied implements NestedNameSupport it will write it's 
name attribute for it.
3) If the tag implements NestedPropertySupport it will updated its 
"property" property with the nested property.
4) NestedTagSupport is for future proofing, in the case that some action 
just needs to pick out the nested tags from the rest.

The only exception to this rule is the html:form tag. I left this for 
backwards compatibility, as some other original tags may need it for 
some reason in it's current state, so I maintained support.
I don't know why I didn't have a nested:form tag, but there's one now 
(only took a minute to add :). I even updated the running examples to 
use it.
I also removed the check for the select tag. I had it there from when 
there was no NestedParentSupport interface. It was the first 
implementation, then the logic tags were done and they all used it and 
the realisation was there that it's a state of nesting. Not implementing 
it means the helper will jump right over it. None of the extended logic 
tags use it, as you don't want them to be parents. Horrible parents 
those logic tags... lock their beans under the stairs they do :)

These updates are all updated in the downloads and examples except the 
saving example...

If there is a better way... somebody tell me.

>And I wouldn't have noticed this if I wasn't checking an NestedIterate
>bug. nested:iterate behaves differently than logic:iterate, which really
>shouldn't be. I narrowed it down to this:
For one... the nested tags don't need the name attribute. They'll 
overwrite it anyway. :)
The id attribute is set for you if it's not supplied
(only because it used to be the only way to correctly nest (viewing 
only) with the original tags. Done only to be on the safe side).

As for any bugs... I added the id and indexId attributes as you have 
them there into my monkey example and they worked fine.

>The only place I can see something happens between
>IterateTag.doStartTag() and NestedIterateTag.doStartTag() is precisely
>in NestedPropertyHelper. So I guess all those instanceofs already
>created a bug ...
Dare I say that the instanceof's didn't create the bug.
I'd be making sure the libraries which you tested the original version 
on is the same as the nested version. Nothing else is different about 
the tags.
You'll get more of my attention if they're running out of the same 
library in the same webapp.

This is the process... Tag starts off with it's "doStartTag()". The 
nested tags get the property helper to do it's thing, and then returns 
from a call to the super.doStartTag(). So, outside of property helper, 
it's 100% the Struts tag it extends.
The Property helper does four things.
1) Walks up the tree of tags to find the nested tags' parent tag. And 
from it gets the nesting level, the property of the current tag, and 
sets the nested property.
2) If the tag has NestedNameSupport, it will also get it's "name" 
property set. To make sure that the super Struts tag gets a hold of the 
right bean.
3) If the property has "../../" in it or whatever, it will correct the 
nested property for that specified.

4) Nothing else. Everything else is left to the original Struts tag. 

You can think of the nested extension as exactly this...
It simply sets the properties for you from the inside. Instead of you 
have to know the nesting, it will do it for you. Instead of writing the 
name, it will write it for you (and write over it too if you have :). 
All properties are set in the tags properties before the tag is run. The 
nested extension just steps in there to correct them, and let the tag do 
what it always has. The original tag actually thinks you're really 
clever for nesting so well... :)

Read what property helper does. It is commented. Take two seconds per 
tag source to see that that is all they're doing.
The most complex tag extended is the iterate tag, which if "id" is not 
supplied, It will correct it to make sure things are more reliable. It 
also has to put the index on the end. Tough stuff.

>I'm searching further to find the bug itself, but if you would beat me
>at it, I would appreciate it :)

Sorry if this didn't help. A part of my frustration is that the 
extension is *really* simple, and does largely nothing at all.
One of the things which has kind of baffled me about this group is the 
lengths I have to go to tell you you're running the original tags!

As I've been saying from day one...
    ...they just see each other better to render that important little 
"property" property out properly. 'tis all.

Everything else was just a delightful bunch of by-products of having 
everything finally relate rather than act as islands.

Be cool peoples.


* instanceof's don't create bugs as they're always the result of bad logic.

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