The check for NestedSelectTag is no more
(removed last night. It wasn't buggy, just not needed).
The check is replaced by one on an interface which some 14 or so tags use now.

Did you get around the spurious results of the two tags?...


Tom Klaasen (TeleRelay) wrote:

>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Arron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
>>Sent: donderdag 20 december 2001 15:25
>>To: Struts Developers List
>>Subject: Re: nested : NestedPropertyHelper
>>I also removed the check for the select tag. I had it there from when 
>>there was no NestedParentSupport interface. It was the first 
>>implementation, then the logic tags were done and they all 
>>used it and 
>>the realisation was there that it's a state of nesting. Not 
>>it means the helper will jump right over it. None of the 
>>extended logic 
>>tags use it, as you don't want them to be parents. Horrible parents 
>>those logic tags... lock their beans under the stairs they do :)
>>These updates are all updated in the downloads and examples 
>>except the 
>>saving example...
>>If there is a better way... somebody tell me.
>It was the check for "instanceof NestedSelectTag" that rang alarm bells.
>The rest should be fine indeed.
>>Sorry if this didn't help. A part of my frustration is that the 
>>extension is *really* simple, and does largely nothing at all.
>>One of the things which has kind of baffled me about this 
>>group is the 
>>lengths I have to go to tell you you're running the original tags!
>>As I've been saying from day one...
>>    ...they just see each other better to render that 
>>important little 
>>"property" property out properly. 'tis all.
>I know, that's why I don't understand the mismatch between the generated
>code. I'll get back on this.
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