Arron Bates wrote:
> First of all, thanks for the votes peoples.
> Need to confirm something and ask opinions on another before I scuttle
> the codebase...
> (need three +1's or 0's, or some -1's with explanations if you please) ...

Hey, you're a committer now, and entitled to exercise you're own best
judgment. We need an affirmative majority vote on a Release, but most
everything else is lazy consensus. If you believe someone might have a
contrary opinon, it's helpful to ask first and proactively resolve any
vetos. But, you don't need to fish for +1s -- just feel out the -1s
(just so you don't have undo things later). We like to err on the side
of people doing things :0)

But, to be sure, -1 on actually scuttling the codebase (ouch!), but +1
on proceeding to add the nesting extension to the main Struts

> 1) The nested system is going into the main source tree (not contrib)?...

I'm thinking it belongs under taglibs with the rest of the gang. 

> 2) The TLD. The nested tags extend the other tags, so this basically
> means a duplication of their library definition.
> To date I've just placed all the tags in the one TLD from the others.
> Any overwhelming opinions to separate the descriptor into the separate
> parts as the original library (means we would end up with "nest-html",
> "nest-logic" or whatever).
> Keep it as one?...

A single nested.tld works for me.

> 3) The new TLD's docco... To make sure that the new TLD is as current as
> it can be, I'll create it again rather than just use my current one. In
> the other TLD's xml files there's a fair amount of docco. My intention
> here is that any tag which is an extension of an original, I will remove
> the docco with an exception of a line to say that "this is an extension
> of [orig tag] tag of [orig tld].tld file". Those tags which are new for
> the extension will have fresh docco. That way it'll keep the size of the
> TLD down (if question two is +1), and save duplication of the docco and
> it's maintenance.
> Refer docco for original tags?

I'd say so. Just document the extended features and other deviations,
and avoid the dual maintenance.

> I think that that's about what I need clarified before I commit this thing.
> Ta.
> (Ted: )

Which pretty much sums up why you were nominated :)

> Arron.
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-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Building Java web applications with Struts.
-- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
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