Personally, I absolutely agree with the others here, that we should try
and move Struts out of the presentation layer business, and focus on
enhancing Struts so that plays well with the other systems that are
coming of age today, like Jakarta Taglibs, Java Server Faces, Velocity
templates, and JSTL. 

And, I'm helping move Tiles to Taglibs for just that reason.

But, the nesting taglib seems like a very special case to me. The
nesting taglib builds directly on the tags we already have, and
dramatically enhances the fuctionality of the existing tags. If I
thought there would be any point in retrofitting this so it could be
placed in Jakarta Taglibs or something, then I would suggest that

I'd would also discourage something like adding adding convenience
features to the logic tags, or other refinements, since that would
definately send the wrong message. 

But I really think that the nesting taglibs finishes work that was
already started here, and is like our Last Hurrah!

And if the new kids on the block can do what the Struts 1.1 taglibs can
now do -- then more power to them!

As much as I'm looking forward to JSF and JSTL, it may be some time
before the code ships, the containers are enhanced, and the teams get
the new containers installed. In the meantime, we can help a lot of
people out by putting this taglib where it will do the most good. 

And, realistically, if we bury something this cool in contrib, there
will be endless questions  of "why isn't in the core" ... and who has
time for that?


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