
> Ted Husted wrote:
>> I agree that a beta based on the current nightly build is a reasonable
>> course of action for now.
>> My real regret is that we did not get a chance to cut a 1.1 release
>> before the last wave of improvements came done the pipeline. My concern
>> is that either the release-cycle will now be extended, while we absorb
>> the new features, or will be rushed, just to move things along.
>> Of course, Craig's work is consistently excellent, and the likelihood of
>> any actual problems is slight to none.
>> My underlying goal is to remind us that Struts is being used by some
>> very serious teams on some very serious projects. These teams rely on
>> the "#.#" release stamp to tell them that the codebase is ready for
>> primetime, and it is our responsibility to ensure that it is.
>> I would usually expect changes this significant to live in the nightly
>> build for several months before release. But, keeping the other features
>> out the hands of production teams is now bordering on cruelty.
>> So, I guess, it comes down to "in for a penny, in for a pound"; are we
>> ready to cut a beta?
>> -Ted. 

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