Subject: Re: Status of Struts-EL contrib project
From: "Vic C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
It appears that only HTML tag would need "conversion". ?

I would think that logic and bean tag would be deprecated over time 
since there is JSTL equivalents as Craig mentioned before, if I recall.

Also, I have posted an example on sourceforge (basicPortal) of an JSTL 
for each tag with struts HTML for multi row update(it has a minor bug 
now - approve content page), should that be of use. I will continue to 
write "realistic" sample of using Struts with JSTL so should you need 
"web app sample" I will be incorporating what ever you post ASAP.
Where would you post it?


David M. Karr wrote:
>>>>>>"Craig" == Craig R McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Craig> On 22 Jul 2002, David M. Karr wrote:
>     >> It's occurred to me that if I'm building a tag library that would be used
>     >> alongside the JSTL, there's not much point in porting Struts tags that
>     >> duplicate JSTL tag functionality.  Therefore, most of the tags in the "logic"
>     >> library aren't in my derived library.  Part of the library documentation will
>     >> cover this issue, and will detail exactly which Struts tags were not ported,
>     >> and which JSTL tags cover their functionality.
>     Craig> I would imagine that this (overlap) is also true for some of the tags in
>     Craig> the bean library?  For example, we probably don't need <bean:define>
>     Craig> ported when <c:set> does the same sort of thing.
> Yes.  The "logic" tags were just an example.  I know at least "bean:define"
> wasn't needed, but I don't remember offhand if any others from "bean" weren't
> needed.
>     >> So, as another minor subproject to this, I'm experimenting with what I can do
>     >> to build more complete unit tests for the Struts-EL tags.  Almost all of what
>     >> I'm doing here could be ported back eventually to the Struts unit tests.  In
>     >> particular, for the tags which generate HTML, I'm writing tests (and reusable
>     >> support code) which verifies the generated output, including checking the
>     >> attributes and their values which are present or not present in the output.
>     >> This code uses JUnit, Cactus, and HTTPUnit, along with requiring JTidy,
>     >> AspectJ, and Xalan.  Except for Xalan, these all normally go along with
>     >> HTTPUnit.
>     Craig> That prereq list seems to match what Cactus already requires, right?  If
>     Craig> so, that should mean nothing extra for me to set up ...
> Well, Cactus doesn't necessarily require HTTPUnit, JTidy, or AspectJ, only if
> you use the features of Cactus that need those other libraries.  I don't
> believe the existing Struts test cases required any of those.  In any case,
> just making them available and pointing to them from the ""
> will suffice.  I don't believe Xalan is required for Cactus, however.  That's
> just used by my code which gets and validates the attributes.

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