Hey - that's a good idea.

Questions that come to mind:
    - Do commiters have time to involve themselves in reviewing these on 
a regular basis - and time for follow-through?
    - How many folks are actually going to involve themselves in the voting?
    - How will folks be informed there is something for them to vote on?
        - Will they be responsible for monitoring Bugzilla?
        - Will they be responsible for spamming the lists about their 
patch - and that they should vote on it and why?

Scott Carlson wrote:

>- Maybe we should start a discussion on using the Voting in bugzilla? Although
>that is meant for prioritizing
>- Or maybe a "+1 I tried it" in the comments to help committers feel more
>I am one of those people that is trying to be more active on the list and in
>the code.  If I can help in this type of area by trying patches and voting for
>ones that work, that would be great.

Eddie Bush

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