Why not use the i18n tags in the JSTL? Make use of Java's wonderful i18n

-----Original Message-----
From: Taylor, Jason [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 11 October 2002 16:32
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: RE: Basic Issues

I disagree with the idea that JavaBeans should handle date formats, and I
think it is a good example of mixing view and model components-- of
confusing the roles of front- and back-end developers.  

Date formats and the like are better left to the front-end developer since
they are UI elements and are subject to change anytime the UI changes.  The
back-end developer should supply all the data required to manipulate the
format in a convenient and comprehensive way, but the actual format is a
stylistic setting that should be controlled by the front-end developer.

If you don't believe me, think of what happens every day: a client looks at
a table of data, says "hey we need to know (or don't need to know) what time
the thing happened", and that along with a list of other nits goes back to
the back-end developer who complains that they should've gotten "solid
requirements" before starting the project and then makes a code change to
add "HH:MI pm" with the leading zero removed before 10:00 because it "looks
funny".  Maybe others like coding ad hoc date routines, but in that
situation I tell my front-end guys to pick up a JS book and figure out what
to do with the date beans I pass them.

The whole idea of Struts is to create logical separations between the front
end, which is UI-centric, and the back end, which is data-centric.  The role
of the back-end developer is to insulate the front-end developer from the
complexities of managing data, and the front-end developer insulates the
back-end developer from the complexities of managing the UI.  Just as a
front-end developer shouldn't have to worry about miscellaneous changes the
DB admin/architect makes, the back-end developer shouldn't be pulled in
every time the UI changes, or every time the same application is reskinned.

Date formatting should *definitely* be handled in a front-end script or
transformation, unless there is some solid requirement (like legal syntax)
that it *always* has to be the same-- in which case it's not really a date,
but more like a code.  The Javascript Date object is pretty robust I hear,
and there are people out there who are JS artists that can help you if
you're having trouble.  Struts tags have some deficiencies that it would be
good for front-end developers to identify, but by and large there are lots
of times where you need to have a front-end scripting language handle
things.  JavaBeans can't do everything, neither can taglibs, nor
Javascript-- just use the right tool for the right job.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 6:30 AM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: Basic Issues

I would suggest that this type of functionality be placed in a JavaBean 
rather than a tag.

I idea is that it is really not up to the page to decide in what format 
a date is displayed. That's really a business requirement that you would 
want to enforce on the Web presentation tier, or a PDF presentation 
tier, or in some type of Word Processing report.

The page needs to decide whether the date property is displayed between 
<TD> elements or <LI> elements, and so forth. But there's no reason for 
the page to worry about formatting the date. Only how to markup the date 
property for a HTML page.

The tags provide the basic funcationality you need to expose JavaBean 
properties to the page but are not intended to be used as part of a 
Model 1 design where business logic and presentation markup are handled 
as a single task.

So, I would take whatever code you might otherwise put in Javascript or 
a custom tag and make it part of the getDate() (or getDateDisplay()) 
method on the JavaBean. Ideally, all the actual formatting should take 
place in a business tier bean, and then the formatted string passed to 
the ActionForm, ready to go.


edgar wrote:

> I have found that the basic functionality of the tag library classes to
> be limited (I assume by design) , and I have found myself writing
> replacement tags for quite a number of things.  I.E. In order to have a
> relatively simple date interface (avoid very complex javascript in every
> jsp) the logical place to put such code is in the tag libraries.
> Question 1: Am I missing something and is this code is actually being
> produced somewhere else?
> Question 2: Is there a desire for such code to be included in Struts or
> does this bring the user interface too much into the picture?
> Question 3: How complex will life be when moving from version to version
> of Struts if I continue to 'roll my own'?
> Thanks
> Edgar Dollin
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Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY US
co-author, Java Web Development with Struts
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