Why use xml for the message resources in the first place?  Using XMl doesnt add any 
inherent value.  The properties file is fine, easy to use/read, and XML is way too 
wordy, constricting.  Seems like its not advantageous to me, perhaps Im missing 
something.  There is already a tool that builds the application resources properties 
file from xml (Called Karapan, struts application generator).


Martin (and others)
>> On a suggestion by Craig, I had a look at the commons resources
>> XMLMessageResources.  It appears (and I could be wrong) that this
>> implementation expects a structure similar to this:
>> (I couldn't find any samples or test data, so I just guessing
>> by browsing
>> the code)
>> <messages>
>>   <message key="some.key">Some Value</message>
>> </messages>
>Yep, that's it. Looks pretty lame, huh? ;-) Let me explain my thinking when
>I wrote it, which might make it look a little less lame (I hope :).
>I figured that there were a few possible approaches to this.
>1) Define our own XML format.
>2) Pick a standard format.
>3) Somehow allow the use of an arbitrary format.
>My first inclination was to do (3), because that allows the most flexibility
>for people to use whatever they already have, or to define whatever they
>want, and then specify a mapping so that we could read it. However, at the
>time, I hadn't a clue as to how to go about implementing such a thing. (But
>see below.)
>My next thought was to go with (2), and I looked at TMX for a while.
>However, TMX is a pretty complex format, and it wasn't at all clear to me
>that it was (a) appropriate and (b) feasible to use that as the basis for
>the kind of message resources we're talking about here. In case you're not
>familiar with TMX, you'll find the scoop here:
>That left option (1). In implementing that, I decided to follow the KISS
>principle, and create a minimal XML format that maps pretty directly to what
>is done with property files. My thinking was that, with such a simple
>format, it would be straightforward for anyone already using their own
>format to write an XSLT stylesheet to convert their existing XML files into
>the XMLMessageResources format, most likely to be run as part of their web
>app build process.
>Some time ago, I sent a message out (to struts-user, I think) about what
>people really wanted in an XML message resource implementation. The answers
>that came back said we need to do option (3) above. As I said earlier, at
>the time I wrote the current code, I had no clue how to do this.
>However, that was before the Digester's XML Rules package existed, and also
>before Betwixt existed (or at least before I had any idea what it was). With
>these tools, I now think we have a good chance at being able to create a
>very flexible "use whatever XML format you like" implementation for XML
>message resources.
>> or is it...
>> <messages>
>>   <message key="some.key" value="Some Value"/>
>> </messages>
>> How do you handle special characters in the values? (<, >, ")
>> [Proposal] (Sort of)
>> Would it be feasible to allow an open structure?
>> What I mean is....what about allowing a structure like this:
>> <index>
>>   <heading en="MailReader Demonstration Application Options"
>>            fr="Options D'Application De Démonstration De MailReader"/>
>>   <logon   en="Log on to the MailReader Demonstration Application"
>>            fr="Entrez à l'application de démonstration de
>> MailReader"/>
>>   <registration en="Register with the MailReader
>> Demonstration Application"
>>            fr="Inscription à l'application de démonstration
>> de MailReader
>> "/>
>>   <title   en="MailReader Demonstration Application (Struts 1.1-dev)"
>>            fr="Application De Démonstration De MailReader
>> (Struts 1.1-dev)
>> "/>
>>   <tour    en="A Walking Tour of the Example Application"
>>            fr="Une excursion de marche de l'application d'exemple"/>
>> </index>
>Personally, I have always favoured keeping multiple translations in separate
>XML files. This avoids issues related to different character encodings
>required for different languages. However, I don't recall whether this
>matches with TMX or not.
>> I have a feature list a mile long that I am working through, so I'm
>> nowhere close to being finished.
>> If I complete this, is it feasible to add it to sandbox
>> resources or struts?
>> If not, then I will drop it and work on other issues (pending
>> Struts bugs).
>There was a brief discussion on whether or not we would try to migrate to
>Commons Resources for Struts 1.1, but I don't recall the outcome, so I'll
>need to go back and dig that up.
>Martin Cooper
>> James Mitchell
>> Software Engineer/Struts Evangelist
>> http://www.open-tools.org
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