Ted Husted wrote:
> My first suggestion would be try not to think in terms of request
> parameters and try to think in terms of ActionForm properties.
> Generally, all the request parameters should be represented as
> ActionForm properties. Struts will then take care of automatically
> populating the properties.
> My second suggestion would be to try and put gory details like id=
> 104 behind ActionForward. Instead creating an ActionForward by
> appending the parameter, you can call the forward by name. I don't
> know what 104 does, but you could have the equivalent of
> <forward name="home104" path:/home.do?id=104"/>
> Where home104 is a descriptive name rather than an arbitrary
> identifier.
> My third suggestion would be to use an ActionMapping for the input
> property rather than a presentation page. Ideally, all pages
> should be behind ActionMapping handlers. If you need to apply some
> post-validation logic or seed any properties (!parameters) on the
> ActionForm, you can do that here.

several fine suggestions; thanks very much for the feedback. my struts
work is much more sophisticated now that i've started asking questions
of the experts :)

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