Erik Tennant wrote:

ok, I entered it in as bug 17449.

Good job - thanks!

Unfortunately the firewall at work keeps me from accessing the cvs repository, which is why I did a diff from rc1 instead of from cvs. Maybe there is a cvs client that can operate through a http proxy- I will have to go look into that. Although I assume since rc1 was just released that the cvs head version is the same as rc1 at this point?

Hrm ... yeah should be pretty close. If not then CVS generally does a pretty good job of figuring out what needs done. If it turns out to be a problem then whoever applies your patch will just "eye-ball" the patch and figure out what needs done. That doesn't generally happen though. I wouldn't worry about it as close as we are to RC1. Of course, if you find yourself able to do the diff against RC1 later on you can always post and update and just make note of what you're doing ... or leave it for the commiter handling the bug to figure out ;-) Generally, most of us appreciate someone pointing us in the right direction though :-) Just put something like "Updated patch - please use this instead of attachment #####". That should suffice.



No, thank *you* ;-)

Eddie Bush

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