
As most of you know, I've been adding Cactus tests to try and cover
(hopefully) all the core taglibs with every conceivable combination of

Considering the hierarchy of how the tags are implemented, someone might
say that a lot of these tests are redundant, but I would argue that the
more coverage, the better.  

You never know when you need to take a feature from its super and
implement it a different way.  If you forget to add the appropriate
tests, then you've exposed yourself to potential bugs.  (Now, I
apologize if that sentence doesn't make it through some mail filters ;)
With the tests I'm adding, you're already covered.  The only exception
are a few EXTREMELY common attributes (prepareEventHandlers() and

My plans are to finish up html this weekend, and tiles, upload, and
validator by the end of next week.  After that I hope to get all the
nested tags done between 3/15 and 3/22, then move on to the struts-el

The only thing that might delay things is the fact that my contract is
almost up and I'm desperately looking for another job.

Does anyone object or is there a special focus that anyone wants to get
covered quickly?

Also, are there any volunteers out there wanting to help me get this
stuff nailed?

James Mitchell
Web Developer/Struts Evangelist

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