Yes, it was James, and I join thanking him, et. all.

The effect is feature creep delaying a release with a limited pool of resources, for things that some would like to deprecate. Like in Struts 1.2 supporting Tomcat 3.x? That takes time, and limits what can be done in other areas.

Surely you agree that some tags should slowly move to jakarta.taglib?

And if I can disagree on the stats, my anecdotal evidence is that projects in development are Tomcat 4.x (JSP and Servlet API).

Else consider adding developers (keep an eye on Matt Raible, Ben Tomasini, Scot Skyles, guy, Tiles 201 guy, Stxx guy, sf.struts people, ... )

Again, my hope is that a "quick 1.2" release is Servlet 2.3 and EL.

( Struts 2.0 wish list?: more soapy, and JSP2.0, maven, jelly, and drag and drop 2 way from jsp to beans, jdk 1.4)

I am now teaching JSP 2.0 in Resin 3/Tomcat 5 in my Struts classe with this 2.0 syntax:
By the time their 6 month project cycle is ready to deploy, JSP2.0 will be out.

Just take it into consideration, a faster development cycle, means making some "austerity choices" in 1.2. Alternative? Struts 1.2 in .... 18 months?


Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

On Fri, 28 Feb 2003, David Graham wrote:

Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 17:50:08 -0700
From: David Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Struts Developers List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Short term plans

The taglibs are a heavily used feature.  We get a lot of bug reports on them
so the tests are badly needed.  There is no doubt that we should use JSTL
but at this point not everyone has that option.

At JavaOne US 2002 (March 2002) I did a survey of the folks that came to
the Struts Community BOF.  Over half the people there were developing and
deploying on J2EE 1.2 (i.e. Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1) platforms.  Yes, it's
almost a year later now, but the situation has not *totally* changed.

JSTL (and JavaServer Faces, when it becomes available) require Servlet 2.3
and JSP 1.2, so they are not even an option for a very significant portion
of the Struts user community.  Thus, it would be irresponsible to abandon
our focus on ensuring the quality of the Struts tag libraries -- and this
would be true even if Struts was a commercial product instead of an open
source package.

That being said, it's very clear where the future is for view tier
technology.  But that's for the future (Struts 1.2 and beyond) -- and,
even for those future Struts versions, users are not always able to
convert their applications instantly.  We need to care now, and will
continue to need to care in the future, about the quality of the existing
Struts tag libraries.  I'm totally delighted that someone like David has
cared enough to create such a comprehensive test suite for a feature that
is critically important to a very large majority of current, and future,
Struts users.

Thanks David!



With respect, consider how much time struts-devs should spend on tags, I
kind of agree with those that say slowly move them over to taglibs and
separate jar away from "core" struts, for example if JSTL can do it.

Of course I know, open source means donating contributors kind of get to
work on what they want.

my 2 c.

Karr, David wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: James Mitchell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

My plans are to finish up html this weekend, and tiles, upload, and
validator by the end of next week.  After that I hope to get all the
nested tags done between 3/15 and 3/22, then move on to the struts-el

The only thing that might delay things is the fact that my contract is
almost up and I'm desperately looking for another job.

Does anyone object or is there a special focus that anyone wants to


covered quickly?

Also, are there any volunteers out there wanting to help me get this
stuff nailed?


If your new testing setup is reasonably straightforward, I wouldn't
imagine it could be very difficult for me or someone else to clone them
(and remove some) for the Struts-EL tests.  There already is a set of
Cactus tests for Struts-EL which covered more than the original base
Struts tests did, but your new work has very likely jumped well past

In short, if you've finished everything you need to do for bean, logic,
and html, and you have some doors to knock on, then give me what I need
to know and I'll implement the Struts-EL tests (or someone else, if they
wanted to do this).  If Aaron has time, he could probably do the same
for the nested tags.

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