The sentiments are good but the reality is sometimes different.

I submitted two sets of logic tags in May 2001 which provided switch/case
and if/and/or/else logic. They were basically wrappers for the existing
struts logic tags.

They were rejected at the time because the JSTL would be providing the same
functionality - even though these tags worked in 2.2/1.1 and  JSTL required

Funnily enough they were even on the TODO list at the time!!!

So even though 1) * I wanted it * 2) * Other people wanted it * and 3) * I
provided them * - it wasn't enough to get them included in Struts.

Another thing was, although these logic tags were rejected the Empty and
NotEmpty tags were added to Struts afterwards!!

I guess the #1 requirement for anyone submitting to struts is "can I get a
committer to take any interest?"


TED> But to answer your question, I think the litmus test would be whether
TED> there is a working patch annexed.
TED> All anyone has said is that since the attention of the Committers in
TED> their own work is likely to be on other >technologies, it is equally
TED> that the Committers won't be spending their *own* development time
TED> *creating* patches.
TED> As long as the change has technical merit, and a Committer is willing
TED>  to take responsbility for the patch, we won't/can't veto something
TED>  becomes of competition from

CRAIG> At JavaOne US 2002 (March 2002) I did a survey of the folks that came
CRAIG> the Struts Community BOF.  Over half the people there were developing
CRAIG> deploying on J2EE 1.2 (i.e. Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1) platforms.  Yes,
CRAIG> almost a year later now, but the situation has not *totally* changed.
CRAIG> JSTL (and JavaServer Faces, when it becomes available) require
Servlet 2.3
CRAIG> and JSP 1.2, so they are not even an option for a very significant
CRAIG> of the Struts user community.

CRAIG> I think there are multiple perspectives for asking for enhancements,
CRAIG> all of them valid.  Some examples:
CRAIG> * "I need it" -- This particular feature would help me . . .
CRAIG> * "Lots of people need it"  . . .useful to lots of people using an
existing version of Struts ...
CRAIG> * "I want to work on it" . . .nothing stops us from adding some more
CRAIG>    developers that want to continue to enhance the existing tags.
CRAIG>     NOTE -- this perspective is the most critical for actually
getting anything done :-).

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