>>>>> "adam" == adam kramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    adam> On Wed, 22 Jul 2003, David M. Karr wrote:
    >> I've been working on some minor updates to Struts-EL, to match recent changes
    >> to the base tag library, so I've been running through some tests.  I'm using
    >> WebLogic 8.1 for these tests.
    >> I first noticed that the strutsel-exercise-taglib application dies with the
    >> following stack trace:
    >> -----------------
    >> java.lang.NullPointerException
    >> at org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.pageURL(RequestUtils.java:1591)
    >> -----------------
    >> Line 1591 is the following (after I added a couple of debugging lines):
    >> String pagePattern = moduleConfig.getControllerConfig().getPagePattern();
    >> I found that "moduleConfig" is null here, but I don't know why.

    adam>  Actually, I noticed computeURL has a backward compatibility hack that
    adam> gets the default app module config and stores it in the request scope if
    adam> one isn't already there. If you do have a recent version of struts built,
    adam> perhaps the webapp has an older version of struts installed. Maybe
    adam> replacing it with a fresh struts.jar would work.  It looks as though this
    adam> should not be happening. It doesn't happen when requesting html-link.jsp
    adam> in struts exercise-taglib webapp, but i havent installed struts-el.

My copy of "struts.jar" is built from CVS latest.

David M. Karr          ; Java/J2EE/XML/Unix/C++

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