It would be more interesting if you ran the tests on the latest Tomcat
production build because of the *large* JSP performance improvements
between the 4.0.x and 4.1.x series.


--- Kurt Post <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am creating a web app that has several survey pages where there are a
> total of 120 or more radio buttons and check boxes on one page.  I have
> been
> seeing average page render times on the order of 2 to 2.5 seconds (some
> times as bad as 5 seconds) with a single user hitting the site.  I was
> going
> to put off my investigation into this problem until the site was in a
> more
> finished form.  But since this topic has come up and because I needed
> something to keep me busy until I go on vacation Wednesday, I decided to
> look into it now.
> After running some tests which I'll describe below, I'm starting to feel
> like the performance problem reported in TheServerSide case study was
> caused
> by excessive garbage collection and not by the use of reflection to
> display
> and update form values.  Also their choice to use incremental garbage
> collection in their tests probably made the struts app look far worse
> then
> it would have if it had been run with standard garbage collection.
> Like others who have posted on this subject recently, my initial guess
> was
> that reflection was a likely cause of the performance bottleneck.  But
> there
> was one thing that seemed to contradict my theory.  While it was true
> that
> it took 2 seconds or more to render the page to the browser; when I
> clicked
> the submit button after checking all check boxes, the form bean was
> updated
> and the main page was rendered almost instantly.  So I decided to figure
> out
> just how much time was being spent doing reflection.  My testing showed
> that
> time spent on reflection to render the page was consuming so little time
> that it couldn't even be measured.  In my opinion, the big performance
> problem is caused by garbage collection firing much more often then you
> would expect.  Perhaps making changes which reduce the number of objects
> being created and destroyed for each tag invocation is the best way to
> improve performance.
> How I Tested For Time Spent On Reflection
> -----------------------------------------
> To prepare for the tests, I made two test JSP pages.  Both pages
> consisted
> of 150 html:checkbox tags arranged in 15 rows with 10 checkboxes per
> row.
> The first test page contained html:checkbox elements with property
> values
> similar to "survey(questionName).selectedValues[5]".  On the second test
> page, I removed all property attributes from the html:checkbox elements
> thus
> leaving them with just a value="<some value>" attribute.  Finally,
> struts-html.tld was modified to make the html:checkbox "property"
> attribute
> optional.
> Looking at and, you can see that if
> the
> "property" attribute is not supplied to the html:checkbox tag, then
> "RequestUtils.lookup(pageCOntext, name, property, null)" in
> will simply return the form bean which is retrieved
> via a
> call to pageCOntext.findAttribute().  The beanutils are never called if
> property == null.
> So how much faster was the second test page (which did not use
> reflection)
> rendered then the first test page which did us e reflection?  The time
> difference was too small to be measured.  Both test pages took anywhere
> from
> 2 seconds to six seconds to render with the average time being around
> 3.2
> seconds.
> So Reflection Wasn't The Problem - More Experiments To Get At The
> Problem
> With reflection eliminated, my next suspicion was that the app server
> (tomcat 4.0.6 bundled with NetBeans 3.5) was the problem.  I had read
> that
> many performance enhancements had been added since tomcat 4.0.6. 
> Looking at
> the .java code produced by the JSP compiler, I could see room for
> optimization but there was nothing that could explain the terrible page
> rendering times I was seeing.
> So to test it out, I copied the second test page and replaced all
> html:checkbox tags with html:messages tags.  In the context of my test
> page,
> the html:messages tag would simply look for messages at
> Globals.ERROR_KEY.
> Since nothing would be found at that key, the tag would just render
> nothing.
> This test page which had 150 html:messages tags on it typically rendered
> in
> 10 to 20 milliseconds.
> Finally just for the heck of it, I made a test JSP page which just
> contained
> 150 <input type="checkbox"...> tags.  This page typically render in 0 to
> 10
> milliseconds.
> Effect Of Changing To Incremental Garbage Collection
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Up until now, all tests were performed with "java -server ...".  By now
> I
> was getting convinced that the problem was that garbage collection was
> happening every time one of the first two test pages were being rendered
> and
> that is what was killing the performance.  Turning on GC logging
> confirmed
> that.  So, I decided to turn on incremental garbage collection.  Wow,
> what a
> difference.  Things started taking twice as long!  Looking at the GC
> log, I
> could see that the GC was firing pretty much constantly (like you would
> expect) but that many of those incremental GC's were taking .2 to .9
> seconds.  The result was much worse performance on the first two test
> pages
> and even the third test page (with html:messages tags on it was almost
> twice
> as slow.  The last test page which just contained no struts tags except
> for
> html:form and html:submit still took from 0 to 10 milliseconds but I
> thick
> this was just due to limitations in accuracy of the system timer.
> Test Environment
> ----------------
> Intel P4 2.8 GHZ 512MB
> Window XP
> Tomcat 4.0.6 running under NetBeans 3.5 (normal execution, not debug)
> Struts 1.1
> Kurt
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2003 5:37 PM
> Subject: [BeanUtils] Interesting Microbenchmarks
> TheServerSide ( recently published a case study
> that
> attempted to analyze the performance characteristics of a variety of
> middleware configurations, including two J2EE app servers and
> Microsoft's
> .NET platform.  One of the hot spots that showed up in the Java based
> figures was identified as heavy use of reflection (the test app was
> Struts
> based and therefore uses commons-beanutils), but the report did not
> detail
> these findings.
> Despite the fact that the test condtions were very artificial (the
> database was tuned in a way that it was never the hotspot, which is
> unlike
> virtually any high-use web application in production), it prompted a bit
> of discussion over whether using reflection was a good idea.  This in
> turn
> prompted me to write a couple of simple microbenchmarks to measure the
> behavior of the most commonly used BeanUtils and PropertyUtils methods
> for
> copying sets of properties -- copyProperties() and populate().
> Legend:
> ======
>   "bean" - A plain old Java object (POJO) with eight properties,
>            one of each of the standard primitive types and one
>            String (org.apache.commons.beanutils.BenchBean)
>   "dyna" - An instance of org.apache.commons.beanutils.BasicDynaBean
>            with exactly the same properties and types.  The property
>            types for primitives in a DynaBean are the wrapper classes
>            such as java.lang.Integer.
>   "map"  - An instance of HashMap with eight entries pointing at
>            exactly the same values.  The values for primitives
>            of the corresponding wrapper class types.
>   "strs" - An instance of HashMap with eight entries pointing at
>            the same values, but all Strings (simulating request
>            parameters that are used to populate a form bean in Struts).
=== message truncated ===

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