adam kramer wrote:
On Wed, 6 Aug 2003, Sgarlata Matt wrote:

Has there been any discussion of allowing resource bundles to inherit
properties from other resource bundles?  For the project I am working
on, it would be nice if we had one resource bundle with
application-level properties and also module-specific resource bundles
which had all the properties of the application-level resource bundle
plus additional ones specific to that module.  I know you can specify
multiple resource bundles per module in Struts, but the problem is that
certain components (e.g. - the validator) always look for the default
resource bundle.

 In some of my projects I have run into the same problem as well, and I'm
sure others have. It would be nice to have either a core module that
provided resources to all modules or atleast a way of specifying a way for
a the default resource bundle in modules to inherit values from a core
resource bundle as to avoid having to repeat values throughout an
application and introduce chances for inconsistency and error. This might
be done by specifying an application-wide resource bundle in struts
configuration and then have those values within all other module resource
bundles (inclding the default module). You could obviously overwrite the
values in your module's def. bundle. This would seem an
appropriate feature, unless there were other core resources that needed to
be shared throughout modules. Then it would seem a module-type enhance
would be appropriate. ahh, oh so vague. :)


I have just read a message from the Expresso opensource mailing list
asking us to review the common-resources package as well, since we
integrate Struts 1.1

I remember reading way back that ResourceBundle supported delegation
about of the box. In other words ResourceBundle can have a parent
ResourceBundle. Is this what you want?

The common resources should support what ever `java.util.ResourceBundle'
does. Is this not true?

The other issue I can see that crosses with this post is
`module inheritance' , but my experience with this one is pretty low.

Peter Pilgrim
           __ _____ _____ _____
          / //__  // ___// ___/   +  Serverside Java
         / /___/ // /__ / /__     +  Struts
        / // ___// ___// ___/     +  Expresso Committer
     __/ // /__ / /__ / /__       +  Independent Contractor
    /___//____//____//____/       +  Intrinsic Motivation
On Line Resume
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