Each of us can only offer support from our own experience. If a person is not using the html taglib, then they might not know the html taglib solution. But if they are using JSTL, they might know a JSTL solution.

There's no limit on the number of responses we can post to a question. If someone else knows the html taglib solution, then they can post that solution too.

In my experience, all it takes is a few secondary posts that start out with "If you aren't using Servlet 2.3 and/or can't use JSTL, then try this instead ...", and others in the community will soon follow your lead.

I do agree that it is important to keep in mind that not everyone can use JSTL, or Servlet 2.3. This is especially in larger companies where server upgrades are a major budget item.

But what's most important is getting the community to support itself. Fielding these questions on the list is wonderful thing for Committers to do, but, strictly speaking, it is not our primary responsibility. We need Committers to keep the codebase and documentation up to date, but anyone in the community can provide support on the user list. If there's no one left to provide support, then that we would mean that we've lost our community =:(

The User list is a place where users can help other users, and when we post to the user list, it's really just because we're users too. =;0)


(Hey, maybe I should start answering the html taglib questions with the Velocity Tools solution!)

Steve Raeburn wrote:
My original point really was that if the standard for Struts continues to be
2.2/1.1 that we should be careful not to reply to the "How do I do this with
<html:???>" questions with the stock answer of "use JSTL".

If we're supporting Struts tags then I believe we should first answer the
question that was asked and *then* offer the advice that JSTL offers an
alternative *if* their environment supports it.

I feel it's become a bit too easy to give the JSTL answer and not deal with
the issue as presented. And I do feel that if there are gaps in the
functionality provided by the current supported environment we should at
least consider additions, particularly if someone has gone to the trouble of
providing a patch.

If someone doesn't want to deal with Struts taglib issues than that's fine,
but if there's no one left who's prepared to provide support then at that
point (and I'm not suggesting that we're anywhere near yet) I would urge
that we reconsider the required platform.

Please read this as a gentle reminder/prompt for discussion, rather than a
stern lecture. It's not my intention to cause any offence and it's something
I need to be aware of as much as anyone.

           _   /|\
soapbox-> |x|  / \  <- me, no longer on it :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: August 29, 2003 1:44 PM
To: Struts Developers List
Subject: Re: Support for non-JSTL tags (was RE: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 21465]
- Enhancement of the html:link tag)

Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

I'm -1 on making Struts 1.2.x dependent on Servlet 2.3 / JSP 1.2.

Ditto. Contrary to popular brief, a great number of organizations have *not* migrated to 2.3/1.2, including some of the largest companies in the world.


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-- Ted Husted, Junit in Action - <http://www.manning.com/massol/>, Struts in Action - <http://husted.com/struts/book.html>, JSP Site Design - <http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=1861005512>.

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