On Wed, 29 Oct 2003, Vic Cekvenich wrote:

> Struts Chain... seams similar to HiveMind ?

If you mean in roughly the same way that apples are similar to oranges,
then I'd agree with you. ;-) Otherwise, no, I don't see similarity.

HiveMind is "a services and configuration microkernel" or "a centralized
registry of services and configuration points", depending on which part of
the home page you read. (It also "doesn't have any particular purpose". ;)

Struts Chain is an attempt to refactor the request processor in terms of
the GoF Chain of Responsibility pattern. It's certainly not a microkernel
or a framework of any kind. The chain config itself (which is not part of
Struts Chain per se) could be considered as a registry of sorts, but it's
quite different to what HiveMind's registry is all about.

Martin Cooper

> Am I wrong?
> .V
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