> -----Original Message-----
> From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 12 November 2003 02:06
> To: Struts Developers List
> Subject: Re: [struts-chain] Some ideas
> Quoting Konstantin Shaposhnikov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Thank you for quick response and your ideas about the
> > implementation. 
> > 
> > But can I ask you why I can't use the second
> > approach with struts 1.1. I explore struts-chain code once
> > again and found that I only need to change 1 Command in
> > servlet-standard chain. 
> > 
> You can certainly customize the chain if you want to use it 
> with Struts 1.1, but
> that means you are playing with unreleased code and having to 
> live with
> whatever restrictions exist (for instance, file upload is not 
> currently
> supported in the existing chain definitions).
> I am imagining a day where we'd build the standard 
> RequestProcessor for Struts
> 1.2 on top of the chain implementation.

That would be best.

> > And what means "provided for backwards compatibility with
> > Struts 1.1" ? Will the next release replace Actions with
> > something else?
> > 
> One of the key things people would look for from Struts 1.2 
> is a relatively easy
> migration of existing Struts-based apps.  Therefore, it would 
> seem best for us
> to be able to call an app's existing Action classes (as the current
> struts-chain implementation does).
> In a future world solely based on chain, you wouldn't need 
> the idea of an Action
> class at all.  Instead, you'd map the <action> element in 
> struts-config.xml to
> the name of a chain, which could either be a single Command 
> or a series of
> Commands -- Struts would not care.  In this environment, 
> there would still be a
> standard set of commands in the standard chain, to do all the 
> standard stuff
> (like populating a form bean, performing validation, and so 
> on).  But the
> thinking is that the app's business logic would be built out 
> of chains as well,
> which can (of course) be arbitrarily complex in their 
> internal structure.

At the moment Expresso Framework is leveraging off the Struts MVC.
Our `Controller' classes are extension of the Struts `Action' 
class. If the Action class is going I would like to know about it.

I may have asked this question before is the `Action' going to
be `Command' eventually.

> Among other things, this would allow people to not have to 
> attempt to use
> "action chaining", which today causes surprising results.  
> Instead, you could
> build little two-Command chains -- the first would process 
> the form submit, and
> the second would do the appropriate setup for the next page 
> to be displayed. 
> Because these two behaviors would be separated, you could 
> reuse either or both
> of them (for example, cases you need to forward to a 
> particular page from more
> than one place, and perform the same setup behavior each 
> time, could share the
> second command.

When people like myself have been using Action Chaining
we have been setting up the second action dynamically.
It is kind of a dynamic multiplexing. What Craig has
written above describe static chaining, I presume with
the XML configuration file. I suppose what I would
want is like having a `Command' add the next command to 
end of the `Catalog' at run-time. I need to really delve
into the chain code myself and check if such a thing
is possible.

Of the top my head, for this scenario, it does not make
sense for an `Action' to be a `Command'. Instead a 
specialised Command should exist that can invoke any 
`Action' in current `ModuleConfig'. I am sure such a beast 
already exists anyway. 

> > best regards,
> > Konstantin
> > 
> Craig

Peter Pilgrim,
Struts/J2EE Consultant, RBoS FM, Risk IT
Tel: +44 (0)207-375-4923

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