David Graham wrote:
I really think we should ship Struts 1.2 with either resources or chain
but not both.  We'll end up with another 1.1 once we start including more
than 1 major change per release.  I don't have the time right now to get
resources or chain included for Struts 1.2 so I won't veto however you
want to proceed.

I'd suggest that we ship what we have now as 1.2 before adding Chain or Resources. We already moved to Commons Validator 1.1.1-dev, which I believe still needs to make a GA release.

We (mostly David) did a lot of work pulling out deprecations that will affect a lot of existing applications. We should get those out there so people can start the de-deprecation process before putting anything else on the plate.

The main holdup had been some of the tests were broken, but if those are fixed now, we should proceed with 1.2.0.

But, under no circumstances should we allow our main trunk to become dependent on more than one prerelease JAR at a time. Right now, we have a dependence on Commons Validator 1.1.1-dev. Once CV 1.1.1 goes final, we should immediately release what we have as (another) 1.2.x, since that release would then have the potential of going GA.

Once we hit that milestone (a Stuts 1.2.x release with CV 1.1.1 GA), we can look at adding a dependence on some other dev jar (Chain or Resources).

But, as David said, we owe it to the community to avoid the 1.1 syndrome of juggling dependencies on other unreleased products. We have one prerelease dependency in the pipeline already. The Validator dependency must be resolved and made available in some kind of release (alpha, beta, GA) before adding another prerelease dependency.


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