On Fri, 14 Nov 2003, Ted Husted wrote:
<snip />
> Of course, we have the tyranny of the installed base to contend with.
> Right now, a lot of Struts-specific presentation code expects things to
> be stored in the shared contexts under the original keys. The module
> code was designed to swap things in and out for that reason.
> So, if backward compatibility is desirable, then the framework API
> object would have to do the same thing: push it's members into the
> original shared contexts before an Action or some tag tool were invoked.
> If that were accomplished, we could then deprecate accessing these
> resources from the shared locations, and eventually make everything
> available only through the framework API object. A framework API object
> should simplify the module implementation as well as the eventual
> portlet implementation, and would certainly be more testable.

While I certainly am a huge fan of backwards compatibility, would that
even be feasable?  Take these chain of events:

1. Servlet 1 puts objects in context for action 1
2. Servlet 2 puts objects in context for action 2
3. Action 1 pulls out objects for Servlet 2

To rewrite all the code in the Struts CVS to use the framework API
wouldn't be too difficult, however, its the third-party extensions, user
actions, etc. which worry me.  Perhaps a framework/services/IoC API should
wait for a 2.0 release :/

If that's the case, I really want to start kicking 1.x releases out the
door.  What can I do to help?


> -Ted.
> Don Brown wrote:
> > What about using Inversion of Control (IoC) to replace the current
> > global context map?  The action servlet loads up the IoC factory,
> > initializing all objects, then puts the factory in the request
> > attributes for each request, allowing other components, like taglibs,
> > to be able to access that servlet's objects?  Not only would this
> > make managing dependencies much cleaner, but make it easier to extend
> > Struts once class references were changed into interfaces.  Of course
> > since any objects that aren't pre-initialized can pull objects from
> > the bean factory in the request, we can ensure that the servlets
> > won't overlap.
> >
> > The impact to existing Struts can be minimal - we could even put IoC
> > configuration in the jar to prevent any user confusion.  For an IoC
> > implementation, I've found Spring (http://www.springframework.org) to
> > be very easy to use and straightforward, not to mention light weight,
> > however it would be pretty easy to provide a few Struts classes to
> > wrap the IoC framework to prevent being tied to one implementation.
> >
> > I'm no Spring expert, but I volunteer to do any work necessary,
> > assuming the idea is approved.
> >
> > Don
> >
> > On Fri, 14 Nov 2003, Ted Husted wrote:
> >
> >
> >> The underlying problem is that Struts stores things directly in the
> >>  application and session contexts under static names. So, the
> >> resources (in the generic sense) for one application can overwrite
> >> the other. One reason for modules is to put multiple sets of
> >> resources in the shared contexts under different names.
> >>
> >> An alternate design for the Struts 2.x timeframe might be to gather
> >>  everything the framework uses into single context objects, perhaps
> >> named after the servlet. So the "action" servlet would have an
> >> "action" context in the application and session scope, and the
> >> "differentAction" servlet would have it's own "differentAction"
> >> context object. Inside of each context (a Map) would be things like
> >> the message resources and Locale the servlet and client are using.
> >>
> >> Then, when a request is being serviced, a default gateway context
> >> can be placed in the request that would link to the appropriate
> >> session and application contexts for a given controller instance.
> >> This is essentially what the module code does now, but with all the
> >>  complications that backward compatibility brings.
> >>
> >> Of course, complications still arise. Such as if the "action"
> >> servlet changes the Locale for a client, is the "differentAction"
> >> servlet suppose to see that change? So, there might still be a
> >> global framework context at the top of the chain, which a
> >> controller instance could update and the other controllers could
> >> see.
> >>
> >> Another advantage here is that it would be easier for Struts
> >> applications to pass along its context to a business layer without
> >> binding that layer to HTTP. An Action could pass up the Context
> >> chain without passing the HTTP request itself, or pulling things
> >> out piecemeal.
> >>
> >> -Ted.
> >>
> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >>
> >>> I'm with Edgar on this one - should it not be possible? Of
> >>> course, I tried the following:
> >>>
> >>> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>action</servlet-name>
> >>> <url-pattern>*.do</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping>
> >>>
> >>> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>differentAction</servlet-name>
> >>> <url-pattern>*.dont</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping>
> >>>
> >>> with each mapping to different action servlets with different
> >>> config files and everything got bunged up. It seems like it
> >>> should have worked but alas.
> >>>
> >>> Perhaps it is a bit of a green question, but why would it not
> >>> work?
> >>>
> >>> Best,
> >>>
> >>> Alvin
> >>>
> >>> Quoting Edgar P Dollin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> Why wouldn't changing the servlet mapping from *.do --> action
> >>>> servlet to *.[actiontype] --> [associated action servlet] work?
> >>>> As long as you are consistent would struts care?
> >>>>
> >>>> Edgar
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>> -----Original Message----- From: Ted Husted
> >>>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003
> >>>>> 7:10 AM To: Struts Developers List Subject: Re: Multi Action
> >>>>> servlet !
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> People have done it, but it's a delicate thing to try. The
> >>>>> recommended approach is to use Struts 1.1 modules. To
> >>>>> customize the front controller logic for each module, you can
> >>>>> plug in alternate Request Processors if needed. This gives
> >>>>> you all the benefits of having multiple servlets, without the
> >>>>> extra overhead. (There is *no* performance benefit in having
> >>>>> multiple servlets that do the same thing.)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> A better place to ask questions like this would be the Struts
> >>>>>  USER list. This is where you'd ask if we were going to
> >>>>> support multiple servlets in the future. (Answer to that one:
> >>>>> not any time soon.)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> -Ted.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Karikalan Kumaresan wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> Hi,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Does anyone know, is it possible to have 2 action servlet
> >>>>>
> >>>>> configured
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> in struts for different project in a same JVM/in same
> >>>>>> webserver.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Cheers, Kari...
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