> T e d :
> If I understand the X.X.X release convention, a Vote doesn't have to
> be  held for a release to occur
> but only to qualify it as Alpha/Beta/GA ? Is that correct?
> If that is so I could just stay up tonight and do a release and we
> would  vote on the quality
> at a later date, once it has been a bit.
> -Rob

Yes, if we were able to include a validator 1.1.1 and it later went to GA, then our release could go to GA too.

Though, I wouldn't be optimistic about 1.2.0 going GA, but anything's possible :)

We could also just do a 1.2.1 once the Validator 1.1.1 was out too. My personal goal is to just "tap the keg" on 1.2.x, so we can get in the habit of releasing more often.


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