Thanks to Tim & Joe for supplying patches. They made it nice and easy
for me to take that last step and get the tlds generated and into the

As far as I can tell, the struts jar is now being built correctly and
should be a drop-in replacement for the one generated by the Ant build.
Please feel free to test it and tell me I missed something.

The only difference I'm aware of is that the Manifest is being generated
by Maven rather than being copied from /conf. Does anyone have any views
on whether this is OK, or if we should use the manually maintained
version? BTW, I've just noticed that the /conf version still says
version 1.1. That may be an argument in favour of generating it :-)

Here's where we stand:
1. Generate the TLD files (& docs)
    -- TLDS are done, I'll look at the docs as part of 4. --
2. Run the Cactus tests
3. Build the web apps & contribs
4. Migrate the documentation

I'm going to take a look at Cactus next. There's a nice little section
on using Cactus with Maven in JUnit in Action by Messrs. Massol &
Husted. Let's hope they did a good job explaining it ;-)


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