I'm trying to build struts from current CVS source. I've run into a couple
of issues and thought I'd mention them here (because I don't know what else
to do with them):

- If I want to run test.junit, it looks like I still have to set up the
cactus properties, because the init target in build-tests.xml does the
taskdef for runservertests. If I don't have the properties defined
correctly, the init fails.

- In order to get the taskdef for RunServerTestsTask to work, I had to add
commons-logging.jar to the taskdef classpath. I'm using Cactus 1.5-rc1;
should I be using a different version?

- I also tried building from maven (thought it would save me the hassle of
finding all the jars and editing build.properties). It fails, unable to find

- I wanted to write some junit tests for upload (in reference to Bugzilla
Bug 23255, FormFile.getFileName() problem in multibyte character file name).
It looks like there are some unit tests there, but by default they are not
executed. When I do execute them (by adding another batchtest in the
test.junit target), they fail. Is this expected?

Daniel Rabe

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