If you look at some of my earlier messages you'll see I encountered the problem as well. You notice that Joe Germuska was even kind enough to add a comment to the project.xml as I suggested. So you can go and get the jar for the new validator from the URL in the comment below and then put it in your maven repository. For further information, here's the comment from the project.xml:

Note that this version of commons-validator is not yet
served from the iBiblio repository. You can download
a distribution from http://www.apache.org/~rleland/ValidatorAlpha/1.1.1/ or build it from the CVS repository. (With Maven, you can use
the goal jar:install to build a jar and put it in your Maven repository.)
If you download the binary, don't forget to rename to include the version number
(from "commons-validator.jar" to "commons-validator-1.1.1.jar"
If you build it from the CVS repository, you will probably end up with
version 1.1.2-dev. You can tell Maven to use that version with Struts
by editing your "build.properties" file in the root of your local
copy of the Struts CVS distribution. Include these two lines:

Paul Sundling

Daniel Rabe wrote:

- I also tried building from maven (thought it would save me the hassle of
finding all the jars and editing build.properties). It fails, unable to find

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