I'm working with an old Struts application recently ported to a Struts 1.2 nightly. One land mine that keeps popping up is that pages using the <html:form> JSP tag which used to work now no longer do. I have one specific case where a developer chose not to implement an ActionForm class (probably because the app also pre-dated DynaForms and/or he was being lazy) so now the JSP throws an exception when it comes to the html:form tag and can't find a form bean associated with the destination action.

Now, I'm all for encouraging people to use Struts the way it was designed to be used, but in this case, the form has no HTML fields which are pre-filled from a form bean, so it seems pushy of the html:form tag to insist that this is an error condition.

Would it make more sense to have the individual input tags complain if they can't find a form bean, and have html:form be more permissive?


Joe Germuska
"Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the usual way. This happens to us all the time with computers, and nobody thinks of complaining."
-- Jef Raskin

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